Filtext 98 Cooperativa, a company from the manipulated sector, one of most advantaged ones with the infrastructure improvements that are being made in Piera.

The Territorial Planning Commission of Central Catalonia definitively approved last May 2018 the new Plan of Municipal Urban Planning (POUM) of Piera. It is a document that must allow improving the facilities of the town and develop new sectors of economic activity.

This POUM has to become the new roadmap that must be followed to ensure sustainable growth of the Villa de Piera in the coming years.

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Among many other modifications and improvements, the one that stands out for its potential influence in the territory, both for its effect on companies and its commercial and economic development as well as in the area in general, is the improvement of accessibility, services to the areas and the extension of the Can Canals polygon and the AI-45 / II polygon where Filtext 98 Cooperativa is located.

The main advantage with the improvement of infrastructures and connections, not only with the urban nucleus but with the rest of the road network in the surrounding areas, is the potential improvement that will imply, in terms of speed and safety, for the transport of merchandise, which can lead to an increase in commercial transactions taking advantage of the good location of the polygon.

For Filtext 98 Cooperativa the POUM offers the possibility of expanding its services to its customers, streamlining procedures and deadlines for delivery / collection of orders, as well as transportation of outsource machinery to integrate, in its facilities, part of the production chain of the products of its customers.


manipulados Filtext The services currently offered by Filtext 98 Cooperativa, such as packaging and labelling, product verification and classification, assembly and handling, will be streamlined and may allow the reduction of deadlines. This becomes a competitive advantage over other companies in the market and the sector, as well as offering an added value to the Filtext brand.

The additional services (both in Can Canals and in the polygon AI-45 / II do not even have a bar, among other services, as of today) will be a great improvement for the workers of the area and circumstantial visitors.

The preservation of the heritage and natural spaces through the greenways are other improvements that will undoubtedly help the final result to be more than satisfactory for both the inhabitants and the companies located in the Villa de Piera.

If you are looking for a quality business partner, professional and used to working under pressure, Filtext 98 Cooperativa is your best option. Contact us and we will inform you.